Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 30ish...+some. Farewell winter, farewell boots!

Ok, I am a terrible blogger. I admit it. I lack in the art of staying connected via blogspot. I am even more painfully aware of this as little over a week ago I helped my friend Donna (aka Blaise and don't ask why) set up a blog of her journey selling her home here in Mpls (so sad) and setting up a guest house in Austin (Tx of course, would anyone really blog their journey to Austin, Mn?) and within a week she has posted more often (and more interestingly) than I have since the beginning of the year. Well, you want funny? You want often? Then read her blog for goodness sake, about her little inn of horrors. But if you want Lisa then here you are, and here you will be, waiting for me to finally post. And of all the interesting things I have to write the most is related to what is MOST me; my boots.

Everyone knows Lisa and her boots. They come out in October and don't get sent away to the closet until nearly May. I have many reasons...1. I LOVE them. 2. They are so easy to get on and off. 3. They keep my feet toasty like I like them. 4. They add dramatic effect 5. They offer my ONE AND ONLY fashion statement (currently I can barely even rock the fake hair, it is always in a pony tail) 5. Did I mention they are so easy to slip on and off?

Today during our 75 degree weather I had to admit in 3/4 length stretchy pants (I guess I lied my second fashion statement is Lycra, not original though, Morgan works that much better than I do) and a tank top, I was getting a lot of funny looks. This compiled when in the studio I got many comments as well. So I guess, even though it is only almost April, it might be time to say farewell for the season.

In lieu of another 30 day(the next one is a whopper doozy and coming soon) I am posting a promise. I will find and buy (sorry Matt I have to) another pair of slip on shoes that are not flip flops (my other staple) by tomorrow night. Farewell sweet boots, until the cold-or semi- cold, or barely cold- or ONE day of snow, even if it is in September. And too bad Donna/Blaise you will be in Austin and miss out on the fan fare when I bring them out before Halloween, but I promise I will wear them when I come to visit you in Austin in the winter. Just for old times! And you'll be required to do hundreds of burpies!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 28- Good times

I have been amiss in my posting and that is perhaps because I have been amiss in my positive thinking as well. But more on that later, for now I want to focus on the positive. Last week Kelley, Pru (my sis and my niece) and I went to Dallas to visit my other sis (Carrie) and her daughters. It was to be a week of girl time but alas, we got stuck in Atlanta for 6 hours. Fortunately, positive thinking kicked in, and we proceeded to have the best time ever stuck in an airport. You can witness this via our little mini- Pru videos. Have fun, have a laugh, but most of all know that if you want it to, a delay in your life can equal the BEST time ever!

Hour one in Atlanta


Hour 1.5

Hour two

Definitely moving into hour 3


This is hour 4, Pru is pooing, Kel and I are getting massages. You do what you must!


Hour 4.5. Now it is time for pedicures! Again, can you blame us?

I will make the most of this!


Time to get on the plane? PLEASE!


We made it!