Wednesday, October 1, 2008

HI- HO, HI- HO......

it's off to work I go. The last two weeks have felt more like ho-hum. The shorter days and cooler weather have had an expected effect that I experience around this time each year. It seems the farther the sun is from us the farther my inspiration and excitement seem from me.

I look forward to the impending cold about as much as going to the dentist or doctor but I also understand the need for this time of reflection, and going under to refresh and renew. I have had enough examples in my life living as a tired, shriveled flower waiting for spring, believing the light would never come, only to find that my blossom had doubled in size once it appeared again. As I gain a deeper understanding of the cycles of life I feel as though I could, this time, possibly align myself with the ho-hums. After all without them I would never have my oohs and ahhs.

So I've decided to make a truce with the dark, cold winter that is on it's way. I know it will come, and I know it will go and perhaps if I can welcome it washing over me, I will gain my insights without struggle and needless sabotage.

So in regards to this alliance, I have agreed with my ho- hums to do the following; nap when I feel tired, cap out my to-do list at 5 items per day, not berate myself when I don't "get anything done", reuse workouts with clients if creativity fails me, and eat as many desserts as I need to.

In return the ho-hums have promised to stay only as long as absolutely necessary not lingering for even one extra minute, give me the much needed rest I deserve after my busy summer of growth, expansion, and love, and leave me with a new and refreshed excitement for my life.

So here's to looking at things a little differently, I already feel a little Hi-Ho coming on!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hey Lisa! First, congrats on your marriage and fun party last night. Would have loved to have been able to get there.
Second, love your writing! I see a sermon series in this post for Advent and getting ready, etc...
Many blessings to you and Matt!
Missy :)