Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Flexi-Lexi- Day 30

This is it, time to hang up my yoga hat. Not really though, my goal now after a 30 day free for all is to get in 5 days of yoga a week. It is good for my body, good for my soul. I am feeling stretchy and light, or maybe that is just the month of March...hmmm....

Spring is on it's way, whether the snow today leads you to believe that or not, it is coming. So I am excited to announce my next experiment(s). Actually I had decided on them two weeks ago but didn't want to spoil the spring surprise.

In honor of spring (cleaning) and April (taxes) I have decided to go the extra mile and take on two experiments at once. I am going on a 30 day spending freeze (Ala tax season) and a 30 day organization/cleaning/De-cluttering heat wave (Ala spring cleaning). I like the idea of blending a freeze with a wave in hopes that I won't be chilled.

In my head I imagine that all the time I will bemoan not being able to spend money I will instead be spending in time, clearing things out and cleaning up.

My husband is enormously excited about the next month for two reasons; he is inherently frugal, and he would like some help around the house keeping it clean (he generally does all our house work, and yes, I know I am a lucky girl!)

I do have a 30 day organizing/cleaning plan but I will save you the gritty details for the days following. Here are my spending freeze guidelines; only monthly bills can be paid, $30/week on gas, and $40/week on groceries (about 2/3 of what I currently spend) I am relinquishing most of what I consider my fun money. No massages, private training, acupuncture, lunches out, and my weekly life coaching calls. The exceptions to this are my cycling class (it is already paid for) and my monthly yoga membership (I want to keep up on my yoga).

I plan on keeping an ongoing list of things I would like to have bought, lunches I would have taken, and hot cocoas I would have purchased from the coffee shop next to my studio so I can have a tally at the end of the month of what I have saved myself.

I'll keep you posted. Another exciting month of changing my life story begins. I've always been a spender. Can I be a saver????


Unknown said...

Makes me want to go the 30 days with you but what about my Monday night on the way to school Starbucks and my Wednesday night on the way to my evening job dinner. Oh and I almost forgot what about my trip to TX within my 30 days? Can you give me some coaching? lym,mom

Kelley Larson said...

im so excited for this month of no spending! wish i had the balls to do it with you! maybe take some time to read 'the total money makeover' this month. it changed our lives!