Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The inspiration of Music- Day 29

I was driving home from the bootcamp workout this morning and a song came on the radio. I pulled into the driveway as it was starting and stopped. I sat and listened, moved by the music, awed by the trees blowing in the wind, the blue sky, and the beauty of life. Waves of emotion washed over me. I was curious, why does music inspire? I know words can inspire emotion but in this case I wasn't even listening to the words.

I checked this out. Music operates just as words. Except music is a higher vibration than words. There is much research available about energetic vibration. Love is the highest vibration of all and and as such it offers us the most inspiration. Ever wonder why there are so many songs about love?
We all offer a vibration, the more inspired, compassionate, loving we are, the higher our vibration, and thus our ability to affect change in our lives and those around us. Want to inspire yourself today? Turn on your favorite song, close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel your vibration rise.
Need a song? Here's the one that stopped me:

Life is music, enjoy the notes you create today for they will become part of the larger symphony that is your epic journey.

Exert from the website
Our listening process starts with hearing. Beginning at the sixteenth week after conception. The cochlea [is a coil in our ear that] converts the vibrational energy of sound to electrical impulses that travel to the brain, and from there, travel to the brain stem. This energy at the brain stem activates the limbic system. It is here that emotional and physical reactions are produced. Sound energy moves on to the auditory cortex of the brain where we become conscious of the sound and can recognize what we are hearing.

As your brain comprehends the sounds or in this case the music, the electrical energy released by the neurons creates various frequencies of brain waves. The brain waves that are created (beta, alpha, theta, and delta) determine what “state of mind” you are in. Beta waves are most prevalent during focused and active thinking, alpha waves during relaxation and quiet creativity, theta waves during meditation and pre-sleep, and delta waves during our various stages of sleep (both dreaming and dreamless.)

Once through your brain, music in the form of electrical impulses make their way down your spinal cord causing an impact on the autonomic nervous system. This, in turn, can impact heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, and muscle tension.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Lisa, That is the best song ever!! My cousin played that song for there first dance as man and wife at his wedding.Can you imagine...lights low. In the arms of your huband. Everyone's eyes on you as tears of joy streaming down your checks. It was a wonderful thing to witness.Thank you for reminding me of that memory.