Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pre-pave- Day 22

My #1 desire for today:

It's a beautiful Saturday! I get outside enjoy the weather and friends, play in manifesting a beautifully packed class tomorrow, and accomplish the few things I have arranged for my day off. Matt said it this morning before getting out of bed
(I whole-heartedly agree), "I LOVE Saturdays".


I love Saturdays! I had my nordic dryland training today. Yes indeed, I have taken up a new sport in anticipation of LOVING winter and DESIRING outsidedness when it is 30 below. So I will be a skate skiing star this winter. Today was fun, we practiced technique using poles and I felt silly but had a blast with the group that was there. I bought an amp for tomorrow's class, napped, watched a movie, brought TIVO to Best Buy (THE DAY THE TIVO DIED, I am singing it in my head right now), brought it back home since they weren't authorized to fix it (so sad, we'll have to mail it in), and finished the things that were ACTUALLY on my list of to-do's. I LOVE Saturdays, but I am saddened by planned obsolescence. My TIVO is only 8 years old!

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